Secure Sockets Layer (128 Bit SSL Security) uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology to provide you with the safest and most secure shopping experience. SSL technology encrypts (scrambles) sensitive information, including passwords and MasterCard card numbers, during your online transactions. All forms on our site are secured with SSL technology to ensure that your personal information remains safe and secure.
List of payment methods we accept
You can pay with :
Google Pay
Shop Pay
Apple Pay
Pay Pal
American Express
All prices and amounts are in AUD. Please read our shipping policy for more information.
PCI Compliant
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information security standard for organizations that process Mastercard and revolving credit card information. The standard is defined by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council and was created to strengthen controls around Mastercard data to reduce Mastercard fraud by exposure.
Payment Information
We do not have access to your card number. When your purchase is complete, we can only see your billing information, shipping information, order information and therefore the last 4 digits of your card.
This secure mode starts when you start your order. You can check this by looking for the closed padlock icon at the bottom or top of your web browser. Additionally, “HTTPS” will be displayed in your browser when you access a secure server.
We do not like it when someone gives out our personal information and neither do you. That is why we do not rent, sell or share your personal information with anyone.
Our Privacy Policy explains in detail how your personal information is collected and therefore also how it may be used.
Contact Us.
Company Name:
Hellogoods B.V.
Eperweg 45A
8167 LG Oene
Phone Number:
Chamber of Commerce Number (KvK): 93138946
VAT Identification Number: NL866290114B01

Our store is the creative and passionate center of the fashion world. With a natural sense of style and an unyielding commitment to quality, we have dedicated our lives to creating a collection that influences the soul. We breathe fashion and are driven by a deep-rooted desire to inspire others in Australia